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Spicy Chicken Fillet with mushroom sauce

Updated: Apr 11, 2020

If you want and easy but delicious recipe then you have got to try this. It also takes 30 minutes to make. If you prefer your chicken mild then substitute the spices with herbs like oregano or rosemary instead of chili powder, those herbs go well with garlic.


- Chicken fillet

- splash of white vinegar to flavor the chicken and remove the odor

- olive oil for frying or you can choose other oils that you prefer

- 2 spoons of butter

-2 spoons of flour

- mushroom

- 1/4 cup of cream

- 2 crushed garlic (optional)


- chili paper powder

- paprika

- black paper and salt

- vegetable stock cub (optional


- First wash the chicken with white vinegar to give flavor and get rid of the odor

- Put a piece of nylon paper over a cutting bored cover with spices and then put then the chicken over the spices. Add the spices once again over the chicken and add the cover. after that cover with nylon and start pounding with any available kitchen tools I use the back of a knife.

-(note the purpose is to even the chicken so it will cook evenly this is done by pounding in the middle first then the edges. also the pounding helps to keep the flavors in.

- (another options for those prefer mild flavors you can substitute the chili spices with herbs like oregano or rosemary which pares perfectly with garlic)

- In a hot pan add the oil and then the chicken and start frying and don't turn over the chicken until it start cooking on the side. then turn the chicken over and remove it from the pan when is done cooking. test the chicken with a knife to make sure its cooked.

- Cover the chicken aluminum foil and put it in a hot oven to stay warm until the sauce is ready.

- The pan now has all the flavors from the chicken so we are going to cook the mushrooms on the same pan when the mushrooms are cooked perfectly we add salt and paper and a quarter of vegetable stock optional. Add the flour and the butter and continue to stir for a minute then add water just enough to de-glaze get all the flavors in the pan and when the sauce is reduced add the cream.

- The chicken and mushroom sauce is ready to serve enjoy.

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