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the perfect mushroom steak

Updated: Jul 6, 2020

To cook your steak you need to know your meat and cook accordingly. But even if you have a nice cut of meat the flavor is important. I always choose to marinate my steak at least 30 minutes in the fridge but you need your steak to cool down at room temperature before cooking.

another important part is the heat the pan should be at medium heat not too hot and not too low but before we start with the details lets jump to the ingredients.


  • preferred peace of steak

  • olive oil

  • 3 table spoons of butter

  • pepper and sea salt

  • vinegar

  • garlic sliced

  • mushrooms you can use cans

  • cream about 1/4 cup

  • 2 table spoons of flour

  • vegetable stock cubs (optional)


Choose your steak wisely

for this recipe you can choose steaks that can be marinated like New York style strip steak (has more marble of fat and very forgiving when cooked )or rib eye steak (more lean and can be marinated or not). tenderloin is a very tender bone so you definitely don't need to marinate this cut of meat

If you are choosing a thin cut steak like flank or skirt you can marinate it but remember it will need less cooking time and also if you are serving it cut make sure to cut against the grain to make it as tender as possible.

when picking a steak choose a light pink to a cherry red and avoid a steak that is starting to look grey.


  • First marinate the steak with salt, paper, paprika and chili paper only if you like some heat. add the vinegar and olive oil about two table spoons each. (for more marinating options check below)

  • Let it sit in the fridge at least 30 minutes but you can keep it overnight

  • Before cooking the steak always let it a few minutes at room temperature to avoid cooking a cold steak. another important point is to dry your steak with a paper towel before throwing it into the pan to avoid steaming the steak.

  • In a medium hot heat pan add olive oil or ( vegetable oil), when its hot add the steak cook it on the side for 5 minutes on each side. (the cooking time differs on how you like your steak and and how thick is your steak). if it is a thick steak make sure you cook it button, on the sides and on top. sear the steak to sear the flavor.

  • When you cook your steak to your liking leave it on the side too cool and cover with foil. (never cut the steak as soon as it gets out of the pan or it will loose its juices)

  • DO NOT WASH THE PAN, you will need to cook the mushrooms on the same pan the brown bits has all the flavor.

  • Fry the mushrooms and add more butter if the pan is dry.

  • Add salt and paper to taste and crushed garlic and a quarter of a cube of vegetable stock. (this is optional but it gives the gravy a lot of flavor).

  • When the mushrooms are nice and brown sprinkle with flour. add more butter if needed and cook the flour for a minute then add water about a 1/4 cup keep scraping all the brown bits in the pan this will give a nice gravy.

  • when the sauce is reduced add the cream keep mixing and turn off the heat the gravy is ready.

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