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kofta meat patty casserole

Kofta looks similar to a meat patty or meatball it is a middle eastren dish but it is full of flavors such as onions, herbs and spices. flavorings and binding ingredients that keeps it together is bread crumbs, soy sauce and ketchup.


  • 300 g minced meat

  • 1 onion

  • 3 cloves of garlic

  • parsley

  • a potato peeled and cut in to wadge

  • 4 table spoons of tomato paste

  • about 4 table spoons of ketchup

  • 2 table spoons of mild sweet soy sauce

  • 1/4 cup bread crumbs

  • 1/2 cub of vegetable stock


  • turmeric powder

  • chili paper

  • paprika

  • coriander powder

  • cumin powder

  • salt and paper


  • Put the parsley, garlic and the onion in a food processor after it is finely chopped mix it with the minced meat and the spices. after that add the bread crumbs, the ketchup and soy sauce.

  • Preheat the oven at 180 C

  • When the meat is ready make it into cylinder sausage shapes in your hands and then lay them in a olive oil greased baking pan.

  • Bake the kofta for 10 minutes or until its brown in the bottom to allow the kofta to hold its shape.

  • Meanwhile make the tomato sauce ready for the kofta by putting the tomato paste, spices and vegetable stock cub in a bowel then add boiling water and mix it well

  • Remove the kofta from the oven add the tomato sauce and the potatoes to the baking pan. Make sure to season it well with salt and pepper then put it back in the oven for 40 minutes.

  • Note (Add boiling water to the sauce if it gets dryer then necessary).

  • Serve while its hot with rice or pita bread, enjoy.

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