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Why is it important to know your Myers Briggs personality?

Updated: Sep 5, 2020

Myers Briggs test is not really a personality type but about how you perceive the world and react with it. The question is what is your cognitive abilities and what functions you excel at and what functions or abilities you need to improvement. You will be amazed at how the test can give you an insight on the way you think or act.

The clear benefit of the analysis is that you first understand yourself and your way of life, and then you understand others. The advantage of the personality test also gives you an idea of ​​your normalization in your work, your personal and family life, and even your relationship with your children. Each person has positive or negative aspects that we may not notice, and the test is amusing in that you can over time analyze the characters around you and infer their reactions and behaviors

The test is sometimes called 16 personality test because the Mayer's Briggs test divide personalities into 16 characters according to how you perceive the word from energy, sensing, thinking and judging.

Each personality consist of 4 letter code and every letter presents one of your 4 preferences from the 4 dichotomies.

Dichotomies means two opposite ideas or preferences that are different to one other. Here are the dichotomies:





For example thinking (T) vs feeling (F) every personality has one dominate dichotomy expressed in their personality.

When you figure out your preferences you get to know which personality you are.


Find out the MBTI personality for famous people

First,What factors that make each personality different?


The first question is from were do you get your energy from?

  • E stands for Extravert

  • I stands for Introvert

In general all people are either an introvert or extrovert at some point in different situations or through their life. But the test is actually looks for what you dominantly lean into. It doesn't mean that you are completely an introvert or an extrovert because no one is that extreme. It is more of what do you prefer in most situations do you feel exhausted around people sometimes?

Even if you like spending time with people you get tired and need to recharge by spending time with yourself?

Do you prefer working alone to be more productive?

These are signs that you are an introvert (I).

If you are a people person and like working with groups and enjoy gatherings than it is probably a sign that you are an extrovert (E). Some people can be actually very popular with people but in truth they are actually introverts that's why its not very easy to know if you an introvert or an extrovert and almost half of the population are inverter and extrovert.


How do you collect your information?

Is it based on sensing or intuition?

S for sensing

N for intuitive

If you are a sensing personality you would prefer things that are based on physical evidence or data. Sensors (S) usually are at good at paying attention to detail. But more then that sensors like to focus on what is know and facts rather then assumptions, they are sensors because they use their five senses to collect information. So they focus on the now then the future.

Subjects that needs a lot of assumptions and theories are not there favorite topics as well as politics. Sensors like tradition and following the rules.

Intuitive (N) people are creative people and like to see the whole picture rather then the details. They think about the future and about making changes they are dreamers. They can talk for hours about politics or theories. But focus too much on the future then the present. They usually rely on their sixth sense as a way to collect information that's what makes them intuitive.


How do you make your conclusions bases on feelings or thinking?

F for feelings

T for thinking

This can be straight forward to understand if you are a person who make your judgment based on your feelings or as we say listen to your heart then you are a feelings(F) personality. In addition people who have feeling function tend to be quite sensitive and because of that they have the power to understanding others emotions.

However if you are a more rational person than you are a thinker (T). It is actually more common for men to be thinkers and women to more feeling function.


How do you live your life?

Are you perceiver or judger?

P For Perceiver

J for Judging

Judger (J) are able to make decisions fast and jump to conclusions and perceivers (P) tend to wait before making decisions and want to collect information as much as possible. If there was a deadline and one was a perceiver and the other was a judger, then the judger would rather finish their task as soon as possible to jump to the next project. Perceviers (P) on the other hand tend to leave the task for the last minute just because they want to collect as much information as possible.


Each personality is presented with a J or a P in the end the J and P personality is not a function but it was created to point out which of the other functions are dominant....

If you are a (J) judger you express your extroverted function as the most strongest function

thinking or feeling ( extroverted functions)


If you are a P perceiver you express introverted functions the most like

Sensing or Intuition (Introverted function)

So for example if you are an ENTJ then the most dominant function you express is thinking which is an extroverted function.

Or if you are an ISFP then you express the introverted function the most which is your sensing as your power function.


Meet the 16 personalities :

INTJ (Mastermind)

The thinking is their most dominant function so they express their ideas honestly without regard to others feelings and most of the time they are right. INTJ don't like to follow rules and questions authorities they are always able to think for the future and flexible with their ideas and change their minds or believes after considering the facts. The architect is a rear personality and they prefer to work alone but at the same time they tend to have charismatic characters that people like to follow them even though they don't like to hold power but make changes from the background.


Architecture, road planing, SEO, Distract Atorney, Inventor

Learn more about INTJ

ENFJ (the protagonist)

they are caring giving enthusiastic individual with bright ideas. they are team players how like to lead people into common goals. They feel senstive to those who feel excluded and very loyal. They usually sacrifice their own needs for others if they think to will make every one agree or get on board. ENFJ tend to be higly critical of themselves and hard to make decisions under stress. They seek hermony with others and that what it means by expressing their extroverted feelings.


Teacher, Public Health Relations,

Learn more about ENFJ

ENTJ ( leaders)

ENTJs are very ambitious and highly organized individuals. They tend born leaders and there future vision tends to be more realistic. They speak their mind and are able to solve complex problems. INTJ and ENTJ have some similarities but they tend to be more expensive and like to be around others and seek attention to them.


Managers, directors, leading potions, politicians

Learn more about ENTJ

INFJ ( The protector)

These individuals are highly caring and intuitive individuals. The INFJs are the rares personality making 1% of the population. They put a lot of thoughts in making things better for everyone around them and they think of the future. They know things intuitively and have a very high instinct about people and they are mostly right. If INFJs are super heroes their power would be psychic abilities.


Consultants, lawyers, Doctors or health workers, Social workers

Learn more about INFJ

ENTP (Debtors)

ENTP see the world as an intellectual playground. The like to explore new ideas just to see what happens they are very curious individuals. ENTP are able to see different points of view and while they tend to look things in a logical perspective they are not rational. They tend to stick to their own ideas and express their ideas to others convincing them with reasoning rather then trying to get them abroad. They are creative with their ideas but tend to leave their projects and don't tend to stick with them because they like to explore more ideas similar to an ENFP.


Lawyar, Engineer, Computer Science, Project developer, Consler

ESFP ( Entertainer)

They are very social and easy to approach individuals they are the life of the party. ESFP don't like to take things seriously and like to be spontaneous. ESFPs are sensers and have good sense of style and attention to detail. They are very carasmatic and caring individuals. But they don't like to plan ahead and they rather others do their job for them. Sometimes they make irrational decisions based only on feelings or what they see infront of them.


Actors, stylist, social worker, Entrepreneur, Tour guide, event planner

Learn more about ESFP

ESTJ (Executive)

They are very liable, organized and effective to take charge and make a decisions. They are a natural born leaders who are organized and speak their mind. They can take difficult task solve them and make them look easy. Their weaknesses tend to be that they are closed minded and being very firm in their beliefs and tend to micromanage everything to get to the perfection they desire.

Careers for ESTJ

Head minister, military commander, SEO, Manager

Learn more about ESTJ

INFP (Healer)

INFPs are very sensitive caring and idealist individuals they are also very imaginative and their dominant function is their intuition. They tend to be more flexible and spontaneous with their plans. Even though they are introverts they are healers because they tend to others needs more then themselves.


writers, translators, director, artists, public relations

Learn more about INFP

ISTJ (Inspector)

They like discipline and order and chaos is their enemy. They don't like to make assumptions but prefer to analyze before jumping into conclusions. They tend to complete their tasks and work patiently. But what they don't tolerate is questioning their logical ideas with assumptions and not concrete facts. Inspectors make up most of the population with about 13%.

Inspectors are also good with money.


lawyers, Military potions, police officers, detective

Learn more about ISTJ

ISTP (Crafter)

They are very skillful and have good attention to details as well as being too spontaneous and hate making plans or a structured life. They crave adventure and they take action when it comes to emergency situations. You can say the have a James s bond personality.


Airline pilot, Fireman, Mechanic, Chef, Landscape architecture

Learn more about ISTP

ENFP (Campaigner)

They are very enthusiastic individuals like to be around people and learn new things, they seek adventure and not afraid to learn new things. one of their best abilities is that they have creative ideas and able to encourage people and inspire them to come a bored with them. They have a very relaxed a flexible personality but they tend to get bored and not complete their projects and move on to the next.


flight attendant, Travel agent, sales management, product management

Learn more about ENFP

ISFJ (Defender)

Defenders love their family and take care of them dearly and tend to their ever need. They are very patient people and hardworking but are usually shy. ISFJ are one of the most popular personality in the MBTI test. one of their weaknesses is that the pay less attention to themselves and can get cretinism personally


Nurse, police officer, Doctor, Artist

Learn more about ISFJ

ESFJ (Consul)

they are the life of the party and not only that they probably helped planning it. they have a very bubbly personality and like to be around people. they don't ask for much but what they need is appreciation, they focus on basic details in their life rather then in depth( discussions.


Event planner, Human Resources, teacher, public relations, fundraiser, Designer, social worker

Learn more about ESFJ

ESTP (Entrepreneur)

Entrepreneurs are very active individuals and like to be around friends and companions. They are know for being able to make rapid decisions that might seem irrational but they can calculate thier options reasonably and they are good underpressure if they need to make slipt second decisions. Although the ESTP are social and outgoing, they are not very sensitive individuals and don't like to get things seriously.


Entrepreneur, Marketing, stock broker, project manager, firefighter

Learn more about ESTP


One of the rears personalities and be poorly misunderstood. One of their best qualities is their honesty and open-mindedness. They have the ability to analyze and create connections that others might not figure out. When they make a decisions it is after careful analysis thats why they don't being questioned for their ideas. Because they are very knowledgeable and immersed with their ideas that they tend to absent minded and forgetful. Be cause of thir straight-forward personality others might think of them as insensitive but they are just being rational. INTP are very private people and excel the most when working alone.


Lawyer, researcher, scientist, engineer, architect, Jubge, software developer

Learn more about INTP

ISFP (Adventurer)

ISFP are very relaxed laid-back and at the sametime adventurous and like to travel and do new things. They are very detail oriented due to their sensing abilities which makes them quite artistic and able to express their thoughts or feelings through arts, songs or writing. They also can be quite shy people who prefer working alone because they crave their independent freedom.


Preschool teacher, artist, tour guide, nurse

Learn more about ISFP

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