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7 Common Myths that are not true about the Coronavirus

Pathologist Dr Syra Madad and Dr Stephyen Morese and other discus common myths that are not true about the resent Coronavirus

1.You are going to die if you get the Coronavirus

This is not true because according to health experts getting a positive result of COVIN19 virus is not a death sentence. Although there is a lot we don't know about the virus but what we do know is that based on the data collected it a mild type of viral infection with a 2 percent mortality rate which is less then other viruses. And only about 18 to 20 percent who get infected are in critical condition and need medical assistance. Even those who are hospitalized have a 98% chance of surviving. But still more that we need to learn from the virus.

2. Coronavirus is the most dangerous virus

The truth is that there are more dangerous viruses with more higher mortality rate such as Ebola. SARS is a virus from the same family as Covin19 and it is still has a higher mortality rate of about 10% which is higher then Covin19. SARS however didn't spread as as fast as Coronavirus. But things must not get out of context High number of deaths doesn't necessarily mean the virus is dangerous. The coronavirus spreads fast same as the flu which means a lot people will get it but some might unfortunately die. For example the seasonal flu from October 2019 the CDC have reported that 10000 people have died as a result of the seasonal flu in the US from about 20 million who got infected. There are over 6000 recovery's of the Coronavirus and while health organization don't necessarily count recoveries there are much more who will be recovering from the virus.

3. Wearing the mask will protect you from the virus

Most people like the sense that masks might protect them but the reality is that most individuals don't wear them properly because they weren't trained to use masks. There are two types of masks surgical masks and N95 masks that are used by healthcare workers. the N95 masks which is proven to protect from viruses when used need to undergo a fit test to make sure it is well sealed and it filters the air. Masks in general should be used for those who are infected with the virus to prevent them from spreading the disease to others. What is proven as an effective way to protect from a virus is to wash your hands for 20 seconds.

4. The virus effects older people

It actually effects everyone even children

5. Antibiotics work with viruses

only antiviral medications work with viruses unless you get a secondary infection you need to be treated with antibiotics

6. Chinese products can carry Coronavirus

It is highly unlikely to get infected from packages from infected Countries given the time it takes to receive the package. the droplets that contain the virus might not survive for long outside the body. The proven reasons of contamination is by direct contact form infected individual or contact of surf contaminated with their droplets shortly after.

7.the Coronavirus was deliberately created or released

there are 3 pathogenic Coronaviruses in 3 decades and there a lot more in nature. This virus don't look different then the ones discovered before or the ones in nature.

Infectious disease can be created by different things including

- climate change

- ecological factors

- human behavior

From other studies

Things are constantly changing so out breaks are inevitable there is even a study published in March 2019 that predicted it is highly likely that a future SARS or MARS like coronavirus outbreak will originate from bats and that there is an increased probability that it will occur in China.

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